fangirl mode

The year is 2015. I am in Cebu working graveyard shifts as an Insurance claims adjudicator. I stumble upon a music video where a teenage girl rides her bike and I am forever changed.

Girls like Girls is a song I play on repeat no matter the occasion because somehow, I find comfort in its message. It’s a reminder that we do not need permission to exist.

Some religions call LGBTQ folks an abomination and some countries even consider us criminals. Some states in the US even forbid teachers to say “gay” or to plainly discuss about genders. But what have we done to deserve all that? What are we, second rate citizens of the world? Is that why we are being discriminated, persecuted and deprived of human rights? If we are so wrong, then why would an omnipotent being create us in the first place then?

Anyway, two days ago, my tweet was retweeted by lesbian Jesus herself and I just cannot wrap my head around it 🥳😭🥰

As for the novel, I finished it in less than 24 hours because I found it heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time. The songs are a bonus treat! You should try reading it before they ban it too for being too gay. 🙄